The Ping Pong Close
The ping pong close scenario is when you have the two primary decision-makers sitting at the table that can’t decide on moving forward. Sam Wakefield dives deeper into this closing technique and explains how this can help you level up in your closing. The psychological aspect always presents itself in terms of decisions. Sam believes that tackling the psychological level allows a person to decide and commit faster.
The Ping Pong Close
It is the new decade. Welcome to the 2020s and it is your time to shine. We are going to cover a fun topic. This is a closing technique called the Ping Pong Close, like table tennis. The ping pong close scenario is when you have the two primary decision-makers sitting at the table that can’t decide on moving forward. That is what we’re going to cover. First of all, I want to give a huge shout-out to every single one who is in the Facebook group. If you’re not in the Facebook group, find it. Go to The first thing you’re going to see is Join Our Group. Click this button. That will send you right to our Facebook group.
There is a massively growing community there of people like you who are out in the world every single day. They’re sitting at that kitchen table, saving the world one heatstroke at a time, saving the world one frostbite at a time, making magic happen for the clients you serve and for your own family and your businesses. That’s a group of people from all over the world. This show is in at least 25 countries around the world. Thank you to every single one of you who read, I do this for you. I pour my heart and soul into this to make you a better HVAC salesperson. I have heard messages back from you. Go to the website, and send me an email at I’d love to hear from you. On the website, you can find out about the coaching programs.
I have an amazing group coaching program, which is super affordable and it takes you through everything you need to know to step into the house and be confident in the sales process. We cover closing. We cover all kinds of stuff. There’s also a private coaching program, which is awesome as well. We also have lots of things coming up with some live events that I’m going to be putting on this coming year. Stay tuned for that. Get involved and join the Facebook community. Shoot me an email. Check out the website and the coaching programs. They’re all there to help you become the better version of yourself. Become the best version of yourself possible. It’s time for you to level up in your closing, level up in your sales game because the world deserves the best version of you that you can give it. Let’s jump into the topic.
Ping Pong Close Technique: The ping pong close can take the pressure in decision making off of clients.
It is called the Ping Pong Close for a reason. Let’s set this up, the context. In fact, this idea came from one of the members of our Facebook group. The context is they were in a scenario, they’re in a home. Both decision-makers were there. In this case, it was a husband and wife. We all know that it could be partners, it can be whoever, but the important part is it’s a two decision-maker process. Everybody’s involved. It’s there. Most of the time, it’s husband and wife but there are all kinds of scenarios then. In this case, the wife, and in this context, you’ve done a great job at your presentation. You did your intro right. You set your credibility pieces. You closed all the objection doors before they opened before you ever got there. Everything went smoothly.
You’re sitting at the table, it’s time for the close. They’ve even narrowed it down and decided on which level of equipment they want to move forward with. They’ve decided which accessory packages are also going to be included. All of that is decided. In fact, in this case, it was a big zone system. It was an $18,000 project or something like that. If I remember right when he was telling me, the wife seemed excited about it. She was showing all of the buying signs. She’s got the eyes, she’s nodding her head. She’s got her eyebrows raised and she keeps smiling. She’s almost elbowed and kept looking at her husband. She’s ready to go. It all makes sense to her. On a scale of 1 to 10, the husband’s energy is about a 6 to 7. He likes the project and it makes sense. There’s no confusion in what the accessories do.
There’s no confusion in the project. That’s clear. There’s no confusion in the pricing. They’re going to finance it. They’ve decided the financing works best. Everything is decided. The objection that he keeps bringing up is, “I can’t make this big of a decision in one night,” which as we all know is another version. It’s a variation on, “I want to think about it.” The, “I want to think about it,” is as we know a smokescreen for something else that’s going on in his mind. What do we do? In this case, this is the perfect scenario to use what is called the Ping Pong Close.
“What is the Ping Pong Close,” you say? It could be either this scenario where one person is into it and the other person is halfway. It could also be the scenario where it seems like both decision-makers are excited about the project, it seems like they are unsure about how the other person feels. This is a perfect way to close this one down. First of all, go with the person who’s the most excited about it. In this case we’re going to use, let’s say Johnson as the last name. We know the wife is the one that’s more excited and she’s ready to go. You can tell from all the buying signs. I would say, “Mr. Johnson, do you mind if I talk directly to your wife for a moment?” He’s a little taken aback like, “Yeah, I guess so.” Nobody’s ever told me no in this case. “Hypothetically speaking, Ms. Johnson, if your husband were to turn to you and said, ‘I feel great about this project. Why don’t we go for it?’ What do you think? What would you say?” She’s excited about it already. She’s going to say, “I would say, ‘That’s great. Let’s go ahead and do it.’”
At that point, you turn to Mr. Johnson and then you ask Ms. Johnson, “Ms. Johnson, would you mind if I talked to Mr. Johnson directly for a moment?” At this point, they’re starting to grin, they understand what’s going on and then she’ll say, “Sure.” You say, “Mr. Johnson, if Mrs. Johnson were to look at you directly and say, ‘I feel great about this project, it all makes sense to me. Why don’t we go ahead and do it?’ What would you say?” He is going to look at her. They’re going to look at me. He’s going to look at you. He’s going to laugh and say, “Yeah, that sounds good. Why don’t we go ahead and do it?” What was going on, in that case, is he was unsure about what she thought about it. She was unsure about what he thought about it. You answered that for them by hypothetically having them speak to you directly. That’s the Ping Pong Close.
When they’re ping-ponging back and forth and I’m going to go through it all quickly without the explanations. It’s so you can hear it all back together because it’s powerful. This is a powerful close that it takes the pressure off and the psychology behind it is it takes the pressure off the clients. It takes the pressure off and they’re like, “Okay.” This is important and this is a key aspect that I want you to get. It’s not about the words because the words are only 7% of what they’re hearing. At this point, you’re going low and slow because it’s to the money part, but here is where you get a little bit of fun. You can play with it a little bit, throw some fun into it, but it’s all about the tonality and your tone of voice.
Your tone of voice is extremely important in this close and the tone of voice you want to use, the tone of voice you want to employ is the money aside. It’s the money aside tonality that hypothetically speaking, money aside because what you’re saying is you’re asking Ms. Johnson if Mr. Johnson said, “I feel good about this,” but the tone of voice you want to use is, “Ms. Johnson, if Mr. Johnson were to look at you and say, ‘I feel great about this project, why don’t we go ahead and do it?’ What would you say?” My tone of voice was much money aside. I didn’t have to say hypothetically speaking because it was understood. Mentally, subconsciously, even though they know you are asking for a buying decision for thousands and thousands of dollars at that moment, the psychology behind the tone of voice completely almost takes them out of the situation for a minute. It takes the pressure off and gives them the ability to clear their mind and think. What happens in this situation when you’re sitting at the kitchen table and you’re asking for money, you’re asking for a commitment.
As a society, our globe, people are scared of commitment as it is. In order to take somebody from blind date to marriage proposal with a commitment in 1 hour or 45 minutes, it takes a lot of overcoming psychological things. When we understand them and we can recognize them, that’s when we’re able to step right past them. By using that money aside, hypothetically speaking tone of voice like, “Ms. Johnson, if Mr. Johnson asked you, he says, ‘I feel great about this. This project looks good.’ What would you say?” She says, “Let’s go for it.” You do the same thing with Mr. Johnson. Let’s do the whole thing from start to finish so you’ll learn it in its entirety.
We’re sitting at the kitchen table. They’re back and forth. One decision-maker, in this case Mrs. Johnson is excited about the project and Mr. Johnson keeps saying that he can’t make that big of a decision in a single night. Which we know is a smokescreen for a variation of, “I want to think about it,” which is a smokescreen for something else altogether. The Ping Pong Close, here we go. “Mr. Johnson, would you mind if I spoke directly to your wife for a moment?” He says, “Sure.” I said, “Great.” “Ms. Johnson, if Mr. Johnson looked at you and said, ‘I feel great about this project, it all makes sense. Let’s go ahead and get on the calendar.’ What would you say?” She says, “I would say, ‘Yeah, that sounds awesome. Let’s do it.’” “Mrs. Johnson, may I speak directly to Mr. Johnson for a moment?” “Sure.” “Mr. Johnson, if Mrs. Johnson looked at you and said, ‘Honey, I feel awesome about this project. Everything makes sense. It’s going to accomplish what we want to accomplish. Our house is going to be fixed finally. I want to get this done.’ What would you say?”
Ping Pong Close Technique: Overcoming psychological aspects is all it takes for people to make decisions and commit.
That’s what he says. “Yeah. We should do it. Let’s go for it.” The way you’re going to wrap it up once they both agree is you say, “Great, it feels like that’s settled then. Why don’t we go ahead and get on the calendar?” You say, “Great. It sounds like we made the decision. Does Tuesday or Thursday work for you?” or, “Great. It sounds like you guys decided. Which day works best for install?” You smoothly wrap it up with a nice little bow like that. At this point, they’re going to be grinning, they’re going to be smiling because they know what happened is you took the confusion out of the room. You were able to help them overcome their last-minute resistance to commitment. A lot of times, there’s not necessarily a big hidden Black Swan type of objection, a big reason they’re not committing. A lot of times, people are scared of committing to anything, even if it’s something they want to do.
You’re helping them slide right past that with this type of psychological Juno match, a psychological game. It’s your ping-pong match. That’s why it’s called the Ping Pong Close because you’re going back and forth between them. Wrap up the close within your normal way with as little effort from them as you possibly can make it. Make it super easy and smooth for them. If they need to apply for financing or they’re paying by credit card, they’re paying by check, whatever they’re doing. That is the Ping Pong Close and it’s one of my favorites. It’s one that I don’t get to use as often as I like. I can tell you in a decade of making in-home sales, I’ve used it a handful of times every single year and effectively.
Usually, for the bigger projects, typically the ones it seems to come out on. You try it. I want to hear from you. How did this one work for you? Try it in the field, and implement it. Success happens at the speed of implementation. I want you to implement this right away. Read it over and over if you have to. Get the words in your mouth, practice in front of a mirror. It’s going to seem silly at first, but if you can get the words comfortable in your mouth by yourself, then they will flow out when you’re in the house in front of people. Make this type of thing. Make this your favorite song in your car and in your drive time university because that is how you get comfortable. I have CDs of scripts and closing techniques and all kinds of things. I swear the laser beam has burned a hole through my CD because of listening to it over again and practicing.
I would practice the pauses, the tonality, everything over and over to the point that you couldn’t tell the difference between my voice and the recording’s voice if you were sitting in the passenger seat. That’s how you have to be if you want to be the next level closer and that is exactly what I want for you. Implement this right away. As a reminder, Join our Facebook group. Check out the coaching. I want you to succeed. I want you to see more success than your dreams could wildly possibly imagine. I will talk to you soon. Save the world one heatstroke at a time, one frostbite at a time. I will see you again soon.
Important Links:
- Facebook – Close It Now HVAC Sales Training Group