Selling To The Ethnic Client
How do you sell to an ethnic client? Most people think that ethnic clients are always after the cheapest offer out there because they’re ethnically different.
In this episode of Close It Now, Sam talks about the importance of discovering what they’re truly after by doing a good job on asking the right questions because there’s not a single objection that you can’t overcome by asking questions.
Today we’re going to talk about a controversial topic. But it’s something that has to be talked about. It’s a topic that we have to be very careful in teaching and I get the most questions about it because the hardest objections to overcome are the ones surrounding the topic today.

How Do We Deal With Ethnic Buyers?
Today we talk about ethnic clients, clients whose cultures are not native to North America. Please know that this is not to single out any specific ethnic group.
We have a lot to learn when it comes to the topic of negotiations with the rest of the world. Because foundationally Americans suck at negotiations and we’re going to prove it. This is why the biggest questions I get as a trainer are always about overcoming objections because nobody knows how to negotiate. I have recognized this and have been able to do my research that probably took me five or 10,000 hours on this topic so I can come to you with some verifiable evidence that what I’m saying is true.
We’re going to cover how to sell and negotiate with different ethnic cultures other than North America. So buckle up everybody! This is going to be good!
Raise your hand if you have ever had difficulties selling to an ethnically diverse client. (And again I’m not singling anybody out). This is just a reminder that there are hundreds of countries around the world with different mindsets on how to buy. Everybody grew up differently in a way that they have distinct ways of socializing that program them to negotiate and how to deal with salespeople when they buy or sell things. With that said every client was brought up in a different way.
I normally hear from most people who reach out to me about this type of client who’s always just looking for the cheapest price. What normally happens is anybody who goes to that appointment will just go to the appointment and offer the cheapest product that they have. And I’m here to tell you to stop being lazy! Stop being a lazy salesperson. Your lazy *** needs to wake up because that is not what they’re after.
Let Me Prove It To You
That client you have is the same person you know that has a nice car in the driveway and that same person lives in a big nice house. If they wouldn’t have any of that and if they only cared about the cheap price, they wouldn’t have any of that stuff.
I was a carrier dealer and I sold a number of green speed combo systems for about $2,000-$30,000, the complete systems. I am sure you know what I am talking about because everyone has them.
I was a carrier dealer and the number of green speed combo systems, you know complete systems that I sold for about $2,000-$30,000 to this particular client and everyone has them in your mind you know who I’m talking about. Nobody could understand how I did it for a long time and I didn’t understand how I did it either. The more I started to analyze it, it came down to the client being an ethnic client. Everybody always says that they’re always after the cheapest price.
They would know what’s really top to bottom out of the offer on the cheap thing and ask it to be discounted even more. How I overcame it is how I understood it after.
Let’s go back to the car and go back to the house and how they like nice things. Everybody from around the world likes nice things. We need to do a really good job in discovery and it’s asking particular questions with the client.
How Long Are You Going To Be In The House?
There’s two types to this and let’s unpack it a little bit. There’s one type of client that you’d notice that has a very sparse house: Not too much furniture in the way, not too many wall hangings.
Your first step is to find out how long they are going to be in the house. What are their plans? What do they want to do? Because that client is no different than anyone else who is going to stay short-term in a house. However, they’re smarter than most North Americans because they’re not going to fill the house up with junk and would just have to move it. Chances are YES they are truly looking for the basic bottom-end equipment and that is when the cheap price is important.
Transcription: “Selling To The Ethnic Client”
Alright. Sam Wakefield close get now. Back drive time university. I am driving your driving. Let’s get some info. Let’s go freaking rocking. It is time it crashed in June 2021 when I recorded this. If you are hearing this anywhere close to coordinate. Then I know it is hot and you are out there killing it and if you’re not killing it, whose fault is it? it’s your fault. Don’t blame it on anybody else. We have to take radical responsibility for every single thing in our lives that has nothing to do with believe. There’s no such thing as good news and bad leaves their sleeves that you do something with you don’t do anything with. Boom. That’s our daily dose of reality. But alright let’s get into some Business Today. This is gonna be a good one. I’ve been working on this for a little bit in fact I did a live recording add Facebook live in the in the Facebook group this past Friday about this topic. Today we’re going to talk about a kind of controversial topic. But it’s something that it’s got to be talked about it’s a topic that have without it would be very very very careful the way that I teach this. But it’s something that I hear literally the number one biggest most questions about the biggest topic. The hardest to overcome objections or about surrounding this topic today.
How do we deal with technique buyers? Will put it that way. Cultures that are not native to North America. Right you know exactly who I’m talking about it I’m not pointing anyone out particular. I’m not isolating or you know singling out any specific ethnic group. because there’s lots of countries around the World of News flash in case you didn’t realize that America is not the only country in the world and the United States it’s not the only country in the world .in fact I would submit to you that we have a lot to learn when it comes to the topic of negotiations from the rest of the world. Because foundationally Americans suck at negotiations and were going to prove it, that’s why the biggest questions I get as a trainer are always running and overcoming objections because nobody knows how to negotiate. Alright so were gonna get into that today. There’s a I’ve recognized and been able to literally a lot hundreds of hours thousands of hours of I I probably have five or 10,000 hours of research on this topic so I can come to you with some verifiable evidence that where I’m saying is true. so that is going to be the topic today. We’re going to cover how to sell to and negotiate with different ethnic cultures than North America. so well buckle up everybody this is gonna be a good money-drive time university in the hizzy. So right now I’m actually driving from last from Round Rock Texas to Dallas Texas and I am gonna be crushing some deals in the Dallas market for a while. So if you catch this reach out to me. I may or may not be in the Dallas area but I’m going to be there for a while. so let me know but so so let’s get to the topic. Also newsflash if you haven’t joined the Facebook group. go join the Facebook group I do a free one-hour live training I call it Q&A Friday every Friday at live in the group. It’s a place where we can all get together and you can ask questions. we do we answer him in real time real and in person we have a conversation we have a discussion. So they join the Facebook group just surgical groups shirt search close it now. And it will take you right there or go to which is the website the leaked to the Facebook group goes straight from there. So let’s get into this topic you know raise your hand if you have ever had difficulties selling to an ethnically diverse climbed out. And again I’m not singling anybody out because there’s a bank forget how many hundreds of countries around the world everyone with a different mindset of how to buy. Everybody grew up with a different way that they were just taught the way they were socialized the way they were programmed to negotiate. the weather program to deal with sales to deal with sales people to buy things to sell things. Everyone grew up a little bit different. So we all know the client and what I normally hear from most people who reach out to me is man they’re always just looking for the cheapest price. So what happens is anybody ever most people will go into that client at that client’s appointment. and they’re just offering the cheapest product they have. And their disk already discounting just to try to win the prize when the project is simply on price. And I’m here to tell you to stop being lazy. Stop being a lazy salesperson.
Your lazy *** needs to wake up. That is not what they’re after. Now and I can prove it to you that same person you know has a nice car in the driveway. That same person lives in a big nice house. There is no way that they are the chief fire if that is all that they were. They wouldn’t have any of that if they only cared about the cheap price. They wouldn’t have any of that stuff if they only cared about the bottom end. And I guarantee you that I’ve sold literally I don’t. I lost count of the number of very top in I mean completely I was a carrier dealer. So Oh my God the number of green speed combo systems you know complete systems for you know 2025 ..$30,000 that I sold to this particular client and everyone has them in your mind you know who I’m talking about. All day long all day long and nobody could understand how I did it for a long time I didn’t understand how I was doing it either. But it the more I started to analyze it it came down to this. That client the client the ethnic client that everybody always says. Well, they’re just after the cheapest price would just you know what’s really top to bottom out of the offer on the cheap thing and discounted even more. um how I did it has to do with understandings but thereafter. What are they truly after? Weather app so and kind of going back to the car go back to the house they like nice things. Everybody from around the world likes nice things. it’s not about the chief next we have to do a really good job in discovery. And discovery asking the questions, particularly with this client. How long will you be in the house? How long are you going to be in the house? Because there’s two types of this plan. One unpack that a little bit. One type of client is when you notice the house is very sparse. there’s not many not much in the way of furniture there’s not many wall hangings find out how long are you gonna be in the house. What are your plans? What do you want to do? because that client is no different than anyone else who is short-term in a house. However they they’re smarter than most North Americans. Because they’re not going to fill the house up with junk to have to move it. So if they’re short-term in the house. Chances are yes they are truly looking the basic bottom-end equipment. That is when the cheap price is important. And that is if you did ask your questions right you’ll find that is no different than any other ethnic culture that any North American anybody else that is moving in a year. it’s the same. So you were excuses about them just being a cheap fire because they are ethnically different .sorry let’s shotgun that one right out of the water.
You’re just being lazy in your discovery. You kind of find out that if you don’t ask questions there’s not a single objection that you cannot overcome by asking more questions. Alright now well it’s not that buyer. When there is you know we’re asking the questions we’re doing our due diligence. There’s no plan to move or they’re going to be there you know by 10 years whatever. And there the house furniture in it there’s wall hangings. That looks like they live there and they’re there to stay. Do your due diligence and ask the right questions. So the difference is. And I’m not this is not a podcast to give you like how to present or any of that. This is a mindset podcast. the whole point is we’re talking about how to overcome just one I’m trying to shake you shake you out of your system take you out of you’re your run of only ever offering cheap crap to that client. Because that’s not what they want they’ll buy it because that’s all that’s all anybody ever offers it to them.
Then that’s what they you know that’s what they’ll buy but that doesn’t mean that’s what they want. People remember people write checks for what they want not what they need. They write checks for what they want. This person wouldn’t have a nice car and wouldn’t have a nice house if they only bought what they needed. They buy on what is based on what they want. And the clients are no different. So the thing is growing up in and they literally telling you I’ve done hundreds and thousands of hours of research on this. Growing up in a different country in a different political climate in a different social climate different religious biases all those different things a completely different world view. All of the things that go into what creates a human being what creates in person what creates a mindset what creates a negotiation style. All of those things are what build this person. Now going back to one of the old sayings from Zig Ziglar from Brian Tracy about everybody walking around having a sign over their head that says make me feel special. We have to remember that that’s very very crucial in this conversation. the next step though is a little further because what happening here is you could almost replace that expression on this person on the sign over their head with make me feel like I’m getting the best deal, make me feel like I’m getting a better deal than anyone else. And when we can do that that is when this client will buy the products that they actually want. to buy the products that you are offering. Because here’s the deal north Americans we suck in negotiation we are horrible at negotiation. What does it work grow were taught growing up to negotiate. What’s the one thing that everybody says? Well, I gotta think about it but that’s not even negotiating .that is just that that’s just hesitating. That’s’s just the inability to make a decision that’s what I want to think about it is that’s a smokescreen. Right, that’s not even a real objection that it’s nothing. Well as North Americans we are horrible at negotiating now think about those clients they give out cultures in other countries. We all know they are so much better and it’s very much very much more direct. It’s very much more with asking for what they want. I want a cheaper price .it’s asked it’s just asking for what you want and you start asking for what you want and say I want you to buy this product at this price. That’s a whole different posture. That’s a whole different conversation. So truly we have for one have to understand that when we’re dealing with those clients.
It is truly a matter of they’re literally just asking for what they want which is the first step in super important to remember them. Now let’s think about it go through your laughing thinking about all of the people in different ethnic cultures that you know. It’s not just when they’re buying something negotiating is how every conversation ends up. They’re much more direct and they will ask for what they want. a lot of times north Americans feel like it’s a little blunt or direct. But it’s truly the best way to get what you want. So start trying that yourself you’ll find that it’s actually a really great communication way of communication. But next to that so once we understand what the next steps are and so going back to how you present if you show up to anybody it doesn’t matter who they are. And you are when you’re presenting your price if you are showing discounts before you ever have a conversation when you’re showing your price. If you’re nervous about your full price. then you need to work on yourself.
You have to know that the value, that you’re bringing is exactly what a fair market price is without discounts. That should be your price discount is that discounting price which means you’re if you’re discounting before you ever have any single word before they ask any questions or anything else. It’s like if you’re presenting your price and say your system is $10,000 and you present the price is OK so this price is normally $10,000 but right now we’ve got this $1000 discount going on. uh so just wanted to show that to you before we ever get started here you suck at negotiations stop it. That’s ridiculous quit it. Start with your price your price is your price. Be proud of your price. Be proud of the value that you and your company bring for the prices that you charge. That is step one. If you can’t do that find something else to do that means you’re not cut out for this or you need to grow as a person. Get on your personal growth if you’re a salesperson you’ve never for a day in your life gone out and like literally worked a job with your install crew. get off your ****. Get out in the field. Let’s say sit in 130 degree attic all day long and get you’re asked to work. Understand why we charge the prices we charge because it’s hard freaking work. It’s worth it. The time it takes to do it right is worth the prices you charge. If you don’t if you’ve never gone out and rode with a service person that’s his 6,7,8 ten calls in a day. That starts at 7:30 in the morning and works until midnight or one or two. and then does it all again the next day get your **** out there and ride with them all day long and see why we charge the prices we charge. Why your company does. Because it’s worth that’s the value is what you’re selling. It has nothing to do with well you know the price of the condenser is this so I just feel like we’re taking advantage of people who mark it up this much. No has nothing to do with that. Completely forget the price of the piece of equipment. That’s not what you’re selling. You’re selling value. that is the only thing you’re selling is value. If you get stuck in anything else.
That’s the reason that you feel guilty or you feel ashamed of your prices so pick yourself. So getting back to this fight I just fired up about this scenario I realize we’ve got to get better at negotiating. We’ve got to get better at owning your price. being proud of your price and then we have to get better at negotiating If we don’t have to discount to make the sell. Awesome! You make more money in the company makes more money. Stop this stupid idea that you’ve got a discount just to feel good about yourself. Find something else to do you’re not cut out for sales is selling value. So back to this plan. For this client you you present your price. Don’t present discounts. You present your full book price. be proud of it. And then it goes across the board not just with your ethnic client. With your ethnic client present your full boat price. Whatever it is what this client is after the way that they are conditioned to negotiate. The way that that’s why they’ll instantly hit you with. Well, I got it priced from this other company that was $5000 cheaper than yours. OK great! that’s no problem. Now what are they doing they’re using it as leverage. That’s it that’s all they are they’re just using it as leverage. Leverage against you. So of course take them through the whole conversation of You know if I I’m not can’t do it at that cheap price. Or I would have to cut out you know the you know the you know the conversation. You wouldn’t want me to do it at that cheaper price because the steps I would have to cut out to get there or you wouldn’t end up with the cheap stuff and you would end up with breakdowns and headaches, and all those kinds of things. You know that conversation.
That’s the conversation that everybody has taught you to have for decades now. Yes, we get that. Once you have that step one you have to they have to agree with you that they don’t want part steps cut out of the installation process, which would bring the value of the installation lower. They have to agree that they don’t want to cut any steps out first. That’s step one. Step two is important, you have been so then after they cut you know you go through day agree with you they don’t want steps cut out process., university uh so step two, once they’ve agreed they don’t want anything cut out of the project. Step two is next and this is when they still come back to you but they’re just gonna do it this much cheaper. That’s when you come back to them and you do the clarification, here’s the clarification and there’s a whole podcast on how to use this property. OK so let me ask you, do you want are you really looking for the best value for your dollar? Or are you looking for the lowdown dirty rock bottom scrape the bottom of the barrel price. What are you looking for? force them to clarify that they’re not looking for the absolute cheapest price they are looking for the best value for the dollar. So step one is having them agree that they don’t want you to cut any steps out of the projects that we keep in achieving the value of the installation. Step 2 is clarifying that they don’t want just the cheapest price, but they want the best value for the dollar. that step two .so now if after both of those parts of the conversations. They still come back to you with any other comparison of is it it doesn’t matter how much cheaper so and so is. if they’re still coming back to you, this is what I know. that means they want to use you they’ve decided to use you.
Now they’re just using that other quote as leverage to get the best price for you. so here’s where the new actual negotiation starts. That’s where we have to become excellent actors. A lot so much of sales is acting. in order to overcome the objections that had ethnique client is giving. Know what your discounts are available. Know would you discount. because you’re gonna have to do some discounting to win this client. And if you work if you’ve done this properly you haven’t shown any discounts yet single one. so when that conversation actually starts. you had those first two steps of clarification. The negotiation actually starts you’re going to you’re going to dole the discounts out a little bit at a time. A little bit at a time and every single discount you’re going to act like it’s more exhausting and more exhausting work costing and you’re getting worn out by it, and you’re getting worn down by them because the bottom line, is that client will pay for a high-value system high-value item high-value project. They will pay for great work; they will pay for great quality. What they’re truly after is what that sign says makes me feel like I’m getting the best deal. So here’s how that game works with the next ethnic culture. You have to make them feel like, and it can’t be just an instant thing over a little period of time you have to make them feel like they are winning the game. They’re winning the battle against you. That you’re getting worn out you’re getting exhausted until finally raise your hand and say alright listen. I don’t do this for everybody any recap of what you’ve already discussed.
They listened there’s 1500 people in this town or however many numbers your company does. So here’s the verbiage will use 1500 for example. Listen to works this is our company is gonna do 1500 projects this year. That’s next why is the price that means 1500 other people are paying this. Listen I don’t discount this for everybody. But you know what, you’ve worn me out, here here’s what I can do for you. Then show your discount and then you’re getting a better deal than everybody else. Because truly that’s what this client wants. They wanna play the game a little bit he gave up the new negotiation game is that your best price that’s the best you can do. Come on I know you can do a better price .come on give me a better discount. But at the end of the day what they’re after is, they want to feel like you’ve given them a better deal than everybody else. They wanted to feel like you have they’ve won by getting a better deal then all of the rest of the clients. And the second that happens, game over there signing the contract. So that is the negotiation with the ethnique client. So you gotta get those steps in order. And in fact, you’ve got it if you have to you can do it even harder takeaway. You clear if you show on remember step one was you know making sure that there you know go having the conversation about qualities. and they’re not cutting out you know they have to agree to that they want a quality project not cutting any steps out to make a cheaper. Step two was verifying that they wanted value for the dollar not just the cheapest price. Step three the years where sometimes if there are they seem more aggressive. There’s where you never hear the words come on I know you can pull many projects you can give me a special deal. Step three is posturing saying listen I do yes you’re right I do so many projects.
I don’t need a single project to be successful. Do I want to earn your business? Absolutely but I’m not going to cut corners enough to get to the price that you want to make that happen. So you got the takeaway going you postured up and said listen I don’t need your project to be successful. I have plenty of other thousands of other projects this year. so that’s where that will soften up just a little bit enough to get to that moment of well so it’s you know the other competition still has this price they’re offering me. So that’s where you can start the discount and as you do the discounts. Do the if I would you if I were to discount it this much. Are you ready to sign right now? If I discount it this much would you get it installed this week? And so start that conversation. And remember you’re asking that you’re turning it that in negotiation into a question which means you asking the question. so you’re controlling the conversation and then when you finally getting exhausted and worn out by all of their negotiations. That’s when you have the conversation of we’re going to do 1500 installed this year. Everybody else is paying higher prices. But tell you what let’s just get this done wore me out.
I’m exhausted here. Here’s the best I can do. Show him the fully discounted price and say. Listen. If I discount this much, will we get it installed this week? If I discount this much, will you sign right now? And that moment when you tell them listen you’re getting and everybody else says this you are this much below that. You’re getting a better deal than anybody else, that’s when it’s game over and you just won the negotiation battle with that ethnic client. Does this help I hope this is helpful information for you. This is how for years and years I’ve sold toppin price systems, within our range of negotiation discounting not done additional discounts or extra discounts with those clients for years. This is how you felt that client without having to drop your pants or give him you know give away the farm to do it. So if this was helpful drop me a line join the Facebook group and drop some comments about it. Or shoot me an email at My email address now go to Check out the website. just had a really awesome rebrand. We’ve got our high-performance coaching which is your one on one private coaching with me. ‘cause I would just redesigning the whole program it is freaking Rockstar .gosh my client Mark he started with me but God he was one week into the heating and air industry didn’t know anything about anything. And for the first four months of being in the industry is about to cross the $1,000,000 mark in four months from never doing it before. That’s the power of private one-on-one high-performance coaching. So get that coaching program with guys couple of other programs that are coming at the book.
That’s about to be in the first draft stage got the online course. So much is happening this year closing now. Also got some really cool partnerships. If you’re not developing strategic partnerships with different trade different industries then you’re missing out on a massive referral source. I’ve got a killer referral program. If you’re interested at all I’m going to school side project going if you’re interested all in learning more about solar. Reach out to me because I am building some teams over there as well. If it is another opportunity to be able to work with me personally. And just check it out solar is the wave of the future. The perfect marriage Can you imagine how the number one energy producer in the house which is HVAC combined with the consumer and energy consumer in the houses which is HVAC. Combined with the ability to produce enough energy to take somebody away from the electric company. Oh my God, what a beautiful combination. The hybrid model is the wave of the future so reach out to me. I’ve got some working with some specific if you’re an owner and you want to know more about this definitely reach out to me. if you are a well-documented closer reach out to me as well I’ve got some positions on my team that I want to take you to the next level. So otherwise I hope this was a valuable lesson for you today. Lock it in practice it let me know how it goes. The ethnic client still wants to purchase high-value, high-dollar equipment. You have just thought in negotiating up until now. Get better at negotiating and you’ll start to be able to close that client.. alright everybody go print your money this year 2021 you should be literally it’s up to you how much you wanna make. And the skies the freaking limits. So, go save the world one heat stroke at a time. I will talk to you again soon.